About Us
Worshipping God and serving the Northern Virginia / DC Metro region with the love of Christ since 1982.
Our Mission
Christ Church of Arlington is a family of Christians dedicated to glorifying God in all of life and in all of the world. Through our worship of God and the ministry of the Word, we grow in intimacy with Christ and are equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a life of faithfulness. Embraced and equipped by the Father, Son, and Spirit, we seek to bless our neighbors, reach the nations with the Gospel, and form the next generation with a passion for Christ.
The Church and the Word
CCA is committed to the Scriptures and historic, Reformed Christianity. We are a diverse congregation, committed to a common faith. As we gather every Sunday, God’s Word shapes us into a community of trust, openness, and love. In addition to the sermon, we combine the best of modern Christian songs, traditional Christian hymns, and Psalms with responsive readings and prayers for a Scripture-saturated worship service. After the service, we gather in the Fellowship Hall or member’s homes to further strengthen our community and welcome visitors.
The Church and the World
We are convinced that God brings us not only together in our church community, but to the places in which we work, live, and relax. Because of this, we seek to reach our immediate neighborhoods, our cities, and our world with the love of Christ. CCA is committed to financially supporting global missions, regional church plants, and local ministries. Beginning in 2005, CCA also organizes the annual Thanksgiving Arlington Turkey Trot 5K Fun Run, a fundraiser for charities in Arlington County.
We believe that God meets us in the regular rhythms of life, as we meet together and go our separate ways. Please join us as we apply “all of God’s Word for all of God’s World.”