Christian Missions involves worldwide outreach, making disciples of all nations to establish God’s kingdom, baptizing those disciples in the name of the triune God, and teaching them to obey God’s commands (Matthew 28:19-20). CCA believes that the Church is God’s primary means of extending His kingdom and that all Christians play an important part in this work. God does not call every believer to be a full-time missionary, but He does call us to be involved in missions — if not as goers, then as senders. For more about our work, please contact the missions team: missions@ccapca.org.
​Missions We Support
In Arlington, Virginia, and the Washington, D.C. area:
Good News Jail and Prison Ministry
Young Life - Northern Virginia
Reformed University Fellowship International (RUF-I)
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)
Mission to North America (MNA)
PCA Committee on Discipleship Ministries