CCA Deacons
​"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
Christ Church Deacons demonstrate the love of Christ through the ministry of mercy. To do this, the Deacons will:
Equip and empower CCA’s congregation to meet their own material needs and mend broken relationships with themselves, others, and God.
Build meaningful and lasting relationships with those who approach the Diaconate for assistance.
Encourage members of the congregation to have compassion for, and invest in, those who have current and/or ongoing material needs.
The Deacons accomplish this mission by:
Coming alongside members and visitors to CCA to help them walk through challenging times.
Supporting those with material needs through administering the church Deacon’s Fund. This fund is most often used to help those in our congregation, but also provides opportunities to help those in the local community.
Providing oversight of the Arlington Turkey Trot.
Ministries and Non-profits in Our 2023 Focus:
Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC): AFAC is a community-based non-profit that provides supplemental groceries to Arlingtonians in need.
PathForward: PathForward’s mission is to secure permanent housing and provide life-sustaining services for Arlington’s most vulnerable individuals through outreach and relationships built on trust and respect.
Arlington Thrive: Arlington Thrive is the only organization in Arlington County whose purpose is to provide same-day, emergency financial assistance to County residents who experience sudden financial crisis such as temporary unemployment or illness.
Bridges to Independence (Bridges): Bridges helps families in Arlington, who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, by equipping them with skills and opportunities to live independent lives.
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR): OAR is a community-based restorative justice organization that blends compassion and accountability to assist offenders in leading productive and responsible lives, to the benefit of the whole community.
Young Life - Northern Virginia: Young Life ministers to kids in diverse cultural communities and economically-depressed areas by operating clubs and camps to connect kids with adults who care about them.